Equa Player is a music player that lets you find the perfect sound settings.
The equalizer screen allows fine tuning of the sound.
An generator helps finding the best equalizer shape.
As music albums are recorded differently Equa Player lets you save and assign different equalizer settings to each album, folder, artist or track.
Start listening to music in one touch.
A "play random" button automatically adds and plays songs randomly picked from the
The way songs are picked is configurable. One can choose which album, folder, artist or track to choose from.
A duration constraint can also be set so only tracks with a specific duration will be part
of the random playlist.
On top of the standards repeat modes (normal, repeat all, repeat track and random), an
"infinite" repeat mode is selectable in order to have an infinite playback.
When the last track of the playlist is finished, new tracks are randomly added and played.
For audio books an option allows to remember tracks positions so the
playback continues from where it had previously stopped.
It is possible to customize the cover displayed for each album, folder, artist or track.
The library can be browsed by albums, folders, artists and tracks.
The playback can be controlled from the notification.
Use case #1: Listening to different music styles
Want to listen to a rock album and then an electonic one ?
To maximize the listening experience, assign different equalizer
settings to them. The first one will emphasize the middle (guitar) and the second one will increase the bass and treble.
Use case #2: To lazy to select music and create a music selection to listen to?
The one touch random play button does this automatically.
Useful to quickly start listening to music while commuting.
Use case #3: Switching from an audiobook to music?
Remember the audiobook play position to not have to wonder later where you stopped at.
An option on each album/folder/artist/track enables that functionality.
Use case #4: Want to play random tracks but skip those that are too short or too long (like intros or hidden tracks).
An option allows you to specify the minimum and maximum duration to only select tracks with a proper duration when using random play.
Use case #5: You own two pairs of headsets, one for commuting and one for home. They both have a different sound signature.
Create and save two specific equalizer settings for each of them and easily switch between them.
Use case #6: Your albums have different sound volumes and it is not pleasant to hear a sudden surge when switching from a low gain track to a higher one.
You can create and save two equalizer settings and, while keeping the same shape, two buttons allow you to decrease of increase the gain.
As a result you can adjust the gain of your albums so that their volumes sound similar.
Use case #7: You have no idea what shape of equalizer would suit your headset the most and do not know which shape of equalizer to use.
The equalizer screen contains a generator that allows you to select a shape among several and generate random equalizer settings with that shape.
As a result you can compare the different shapes and find the one that provides the best listening experience for you.
Once the shape is chosen, you can still make small manual adjusments to the generated equalizer settings.
Among the standard shapes (V shape, Bass, Middle...) there is a "Free shape" that is totally random so you can let total randomness find the perfect sound for you.
Use case #8: In addition to the listening experience you enjoy seeing the album art displayed while music is playing.
For each album/folder/artist/track you can configure a cover to show when a related track is playing.
The image can be selected from the gallery of your device.
This does not alter the music files in any way.
Use case #9: You want to use the same equalizer settings for several albums in the same folder.
Just assign the equalizer settings on the folder itself.
Equa Player是一款音乐播放器,可让您找到完美的声音设置。
由于音乐专辑的录制方式不同,Equa Player可让您为每个专辑,文件夹,艺术家或曲目保存和分配不同的均衡器设置。
Equa Player is a music player that lets you find the perfect sound settings.
The equalizer screen allows fine tuning of the sound.
An generator helps finding the best equalizer shape.
As music albums are recorded differently Equa Player lets you save and assign different equalizer settings to each album, folder, artist or track.
Start listening to music in one touch.
A "play random" button automatically adds and plays songs randomly picked from the
The way songs are picked is configurable. One can choose which album, folder, artist or track to choose from.
A duration constraint can also be set so only tracks with a specific duration will be part
of the random playlist.
On top of the standards repeat modes (normal, repeat all, repeat track and random), an
"infinite" repeat mode is selectable in order to have an infinite playback.
When the last track of the playlist is finished, new tracks are randomly added and played.
For audio books an option allows to remember tracks positions so the
playback continues from where it had previously stopped.
It is possible to customize the cover displayed for each album, folder, artist or track.
The library can be browsed by albums, folders, artists and tracks.
The playback can be controlled from the notification.
Use case #1: Listening to different music styles
Want to listen to a rock album and then an electonic one ?
To maximize the listening experience, assign different equalizer
settings to them. The first one will emphasize the middle (guitar) and the second one will increase the bass and treble.
Use case #2: To lazy to select music and create a music selection to listen to?
The one touch random play button does this automatically.
Useful to quickly start listening to music while commuting.
Use case #3: Switching from an audiobook to music?
Remember the audiobook play position to not have to wonder later where you stopped at.
An option on each album/folder/artist/track enables that functionality.
Use case #4: Want to play random tracks but skip those that are too short or too long (like intros or hidden tracks).
An option allows you to specify the minimum and maximum duration to only select tracks with a proper duration when using random play.
Use case #5: You own two pairs of headsets, one for commuting and one for home. They both have a different sound signature.
Create and save two specific equalizer settings for each of them and easily switch between them.
Use case #6: Your albums have different sound volumes and it is not pleasant to hear a sudden surge when switching from a low gain track to a higher one.
You can create and save two equalizer settings and, while keeping the same shape, two buttons allow you to decrease of increase the gain.
As a result you can adjust the gain of your albums so that their volumes sound similar.
Use case #7: You have no idea what shape of equalizer would suit your headset the most and do not know which shape of equalizer to use.
The equalizer screen contains a generator that allows you to select a shape among several and generate random equalizer settings with that shape.
As a result you can compare the different shapes and find the one that provides the best listening experience for you.
Once the shape is chosen, you can still make small manual adjusments to the generated equalizer settings.
Among the standard shapes (V shape, Bass, Middle...) there is a "Free shape" that is totally random so you can let total randomness find the perfect sound for you.
Use case #8: In addition to the listening experience you enjoy seeing the album art displayed while music is playing.
For each album/folder/artist/track you can configure a cover to show when a related track is playing.
The image can be selected from the gallery of your device.
This does not alter the music files in any way.
Use case #9: You want to use the same equalizer settings for several albums in the same folder.
Just assign the equalizer settings on the folder itself.